Friday, May 22, 2009

Top 5 On Friday: Week 223

From Music Memoirs

Top 5 artists/albums/songs etc that you wouldn't have known if not for a friend. (This can be a combination of all three if you'd like)

A lot of the music I like now, I discovered through my friend Tina back when we were in high school.

Erasure - She loaned me a copy of the band's first album Wonderland, and she never got it back!

The Smiths/Morrissey: Yup she introduced me to them too. She's the depressed one though. She's still a huge fan, I'm not as into him as I once was.

Siouxsie and the Banshees: What would I do without Siouxsie? One of my favorite 80s chickees! Again discovered through Tina.

Peter Murphy: Another goth guy that I got into during the 90s as a result of Tina

Oingo Boingo: These guys came into my life through a boyfriend that was totally obsessed with Mr. Elfman. Mostly because at 17 he was a dead ringer for the guy. Oingo was the only thing I got out of that relationship. Fuck, I didn't even get to the prom.