I really want this album. Mitchel is that one Disney kid that I can't help but love. If I were 13, his picture would be on my wall. The Jonas Bros would not.
In fact, as far as the other performers on Hannah Montana go, I think he's just as good as ole Billy Ray. Miley, I can't take. She's a half assed actress and her singing is so so. I'm not saying Mitchel is a phenomenal talent, but at least he's sticking to the pop genre and so far not going on about purity rings etc. Please, just be a nice normal teenager.
But if you don't believe me, try his new earworm on for size. Check out the video for Hey.
Why didn't they make teenage boys this cute when I was in high school? Seriously, I had New Kids On The Block. Blech! Its just not fair! I demand a do over of my teenybopper years. I demand better pop stars!
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
7 hours ago
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