Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I want for my birthday that I won't get.
(My birthday is this coming Sunday)

1. Elvis Costello and his wife to show up on my doorstep, bringing presents and offering to take me out to dinner.

2. My bills to all have zero balances.

3. Bernie the Beretta to turn into a new shiny fuel effecient Ford Focus.

4. The new Kodak EasyShare camera with 12X Zoom and Image Stabalization to show up on my doorstep.

5. A slot machine to flash me and spit out lots of change.

6. My computer to suddenly become faster and with much more storage space.

7. Davy Jones to bring me breakfast in bed, and tell me about the l'ttle m'tal bottle tops on the living room floor. (See The Monkees Series One DVD set if you have any confusion)

8. John Lodge to personally deliver a a case of Krisemma wine in a pair of paisley silk boxers.

9. Peter Noone to personally deliver my birthday dessert and sing "You Won't Be Leaving" to me.

10. My hair to finally behave and look cute when it's not cut in a pixie (twiggy) cut.

11. Those 10 lbs that showed up in the last few months to go away...far far away...onto some supermodel's hips. (where they belong)

12. Simon Lebon and Nick Rhodes to show up and take me dancing.

13. Justin Hayward to be found curled up in my bed waiting for me when I get home...(what happens afterward...well I'll just let you guess)