Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A Funny Thing Happened...

While my sister and I went for our daily walk after I finished working today.

Twice when walking we had men whistle, hoot or catcall.

Now some women would get offended by this, but hell, one of them was in a shiny new Mercedes.

I don't get offended when a man in a Mercedes pays me a bit of attention, regardless of what kind it was.

The Music Whore doesn't get that kind of attention often and when she does, she tends to preen.


And considering I thought I looked like hell, this was quite the compliment. Either that or the men in question have never laid eyes on a female in their lives, and since they were all in cars I have to believe that they have.


Who cares.

I felt sexy for a few moments...

And in honor of that...

Bernie Barlow - Sexy

And if you like Bernie's song, go to her website and buy the CD! Help a great singer out! Cos Bernie is just fab!