Everyone knows that I'm attempting to lose weight, right?
I posted a song over at Wenches last week, by the band The Story, which is fronted by the ever lovely Jonatha Brooke. The song is called Fatso, and it's hilarious.
Here are the lyrics I posted there
This is the last time, this time I will win
It took a long time to gain this weight,
It will take a long time to lose it again
I will have only water for a week, then maybe carrots,
and celery, and if I lose then Sunday I'll have brown rice
Because someone will adore me when my ribs show clearly
and I'm thin even when I sit down
Someone will admire my gorgeous arms and legs
when I'm only one hundred pounds
I bought a doctor's scale on sale today
It takes up half the bathroom, and it's really ugly,
but I know it's going to help me reach my goal
I get so dizzy when I stand up fast, and I don't feel like
dancing but I know I'm gonna do it this time, for sure
Now I walk past the fatsos eating doughnuts,
with cream filling, icing, jimmies, and I am so glad I am not
like them
Because someone will adore me when my ribs show clearly
and I'm thin even when I sit down
Someone will admire my gorgeous arms and legs
when I'm only one hundred pounds
Last night I dreamed I ate a chocolate cake, and when I
woke up I was sure it was true so I weighed myself just to
make sure and drank a diet coke
I want to be skinny (Oh I am so hungry)
It just goes to show that when we want to do something like lose weight, we get these unrealistic thoughts in our minds of what's going to happen afterwards.
When I weigh 125 lbs someone is going to fall madly in love with me.
OK, 2 people are going to fall madly in love with me!
Yeah, right! But a girl has got to dream!
Then there's all the beautiful clothes I'm going to wear then. Clothes in size 2 or 4. Oye! That would be so wonderful. Hey! I was a size 2 once...I was 20 years old at the time, but I was a size 2!
See it's my goal to be as rail thin as Norda Mullen.
Norda's the dark haired one with the tambourine, the blonde is Bernie Barlow who is a goddess in her own right. I want to raid Norda's stage wardrobe, she had some gorgeous bustiers on the last tour and this fab fringe dress that would only look good on someone that weighed 2 lbs. (like her) I want that!!!!
All these wonderful things are going to happen as soon as these pounds fall off. Love...beautiful clothes...fun...
Yeah, I know they aren't. But let me dream, m'kay?
Oh and in case you missed the song over at Wenches, here it is again:
The Story - Fatso
Let me know what you think if you download it.
Musical Sunday
17 hours ago
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