Saturday, October 12, 2002

Morning Kidlets and Kittens...from the wide wonderful world of Proopsville...

Hmmm this sounds like a bad movie...But I got the sweetest note in the mail from Mr. Proops. I had sent a thank you note to his agent and to him for answering the questions at Ocelots about a week or so ago. So when I got the mail today I was really surprised to see a card with his handwriting on it.. Especially as he said he's wading through the fan mail at a slow pace...

He couldn't possibly have gotten to my B-day card...etc....

It was a very simple note it just read


My pleasure,

Greg Proops

It is my firm belief that they made him..and broke the mold...which is why I'll remain single...Cos I want one just like him...since he's spoken for...

Tell me again why cloning is bad?

Greg is a sweet guy..