From Music Memoirs
Top 5 artists/musicians that you'd like to have dinner with.
Of course this would be a healthy dinner that will help me get my borderline high cholesterol down right? Damn cholesterol was 206. PAH!
1. Paul McCartney - I'd be guaranteed a healthy dinner there, he's vegan. I'm sure it would probably be a lousy dinner too, but hey, I'd never pass up dinner with a Beatle. Imagine the stories he could tell!
2. U2's Bono - As much as U2 gets on my nerves at times, Bono is really one musician that is intelligent and uses his intelligences properly. I wouldn't mind sharing dinner with him and his missus, it would likely smarten me up.
3. Gordon Lightfoot - I only met in for a brief period of time last year, but he's a wonderful storyteller as well as a songwriter. Dinner with him would definitely be a treat. If he wanted to bring his guitar along to sing Race Among The Ruins for me afterwards, I wouldn't mind that either.
4. Rockapella - These guys are such fun and I'd love to hear stories about there days on Carmen Sandiago. Plus I think Scott Leonard is an absolute hottie!
5. Lady Antebellum - I fell in love with this country band last year and I would love to have dinner with Charles, Hillary and Dave. They seemed like great fun. Plus I'd love to talk clothes with Hillary...and probably hit on Charles, cos he's one fine looking cowboy :). So's Dave :)
Cartoon Saturday
18 hours ago
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