Friday, November 05, 2010

Top 5 On Friday

Top 5 ways music makes your days better.

You guys know the drill. Play along in the comments or in your journal. This meme is created for my site Music Memoirs. Feel free to go there and check out my other weekly memes and play along.

1. When it is stuff I love, it totally de-stresses me. I really should be playing The Moody Blues for the next 2 years at least, or until Sarah Palin gets shipped to Russia...she can see it from her house, ya know!

2. It is a pick me up whenever things are not going quite right or when I need energizing. There's nothing like a favorite song to get things moving.

3. If its an album I'm reviewing, it makes me some money. (Money is always good)

4. My Oldies Radio station makes my day go faster. Anything that can make work go faster is awesome.

5. It makes exercise easier. Without music, who really wants to exercise?


Mike said...

"...who really wants to exercise?"

I think this is a stand alone sentence.