My friend Mary and I are trying to figure out some day trips that we can take that won't cost scads of money.
I just got my property taxes and that made me shit a brick...or rather a load of bricks. I didn't realize that last year we had a tax break on our School Taxes here in the 'roi...and I had $180 discount.
Well this year that discount is gone.
So I can only afford to do things that only require gas money and that's about it.
So we're contemplating a day trip to either Longwood, Baltimore or The New River Gorge in WV. Some of my friends just don't get that I like nature. I've been seduced by the shopping bug once already and it doesn't look like I'll be getting a chance any time in the near future to really let myself go on a spree, unless its at a used book store!
Its kinda depressing considering I don't even live in that house, nor do I want to. Maybe next year things will be different.
Mind you I've been saying that for years.
At least this year I've managed to go a few places and there's been good times so I don't feel too disappointed in my summer.
6396 - Saturday jokes
1 minute ago
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