In the past week, I've really got to thinking about all the animals I've known and loved in my life and how many of them I still miss. Like Lennon my life, I've loved them all, but there is one that I miss more than the others, and that's Misty.
She was a shelter kitty that we got @ Petsmart. She was supposed to be my mom's cat, but she bonded with me instantly. She was shy, she was sweet and she seldom left my side. She slept curled up by my feet or in the small of my back every night. I still don't have a bed warmer kitty like her and I have 9 of them now. Though Miss Callie will sleep on the bed when the fan isn't on. I'm holding out hope that during the winter she'll be my snuggle kitty.
Misty was the best behaved of our cats too. She never caused anyone any grief. She would on occasion swat someone if they were petting her too long, or were strangers to her.
Her life, like Itchy's was much too short. Bootsie looks a little like her and I catch myself calling her Misty at times. I can't think about my little girl without crying. She was truly an angel kitty and I loved her so much on days like this when I'm feeling a fresh loss, I miss her even more, even though she's been gone for almost 3 years.
Oh and don't ever play What's New Pussycat around makes me cry, because when she was sick, I used to sing that to her and now I only think of her when I hear it.
Misty I hope you are surrounded by all your animal friends from our family, and I hope you're showing Purrbee the ropes of animal heaven now. Don't be swiping him in the nose now, cos that's not nice.
Der Furor, Take Two
15 hours ago