One of my last two little girls went off to the vet today to be spayed. This is the first time the new veterinarian will be taking care of one of my animals, and frankly, I miss my old farm vet.
First...I'm offered the chance to add $65.00 to my bill for pre anesthetic blood wook.
And then...this vet performs surgeries on Wednesday but you can't pick your pet up until Thursday morning at the earliest.
I had to drop my kitty off tonight because I can't get there in the am because I ....erm Seriously vets, why would you do this? Don't most people WORK?
Now the old vet, who is still performing surgeries at the practice on a limited basis, had you drop of the kitty one day, and pick up the day of the surgery in the afternoon.
My kitty is going to be gone from me for 2 whole days.
Yes, I realize I have plenty more to love while she's at the vet's, but still. TWO DAYS!
~Shakes head~
Going to the vet is worse than going to the doctor!
6375 Long joke Sunday
17 minutes ago
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