Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I got my tire today. $137 total. The amount of garbage added to this total is enough to make me scream. The actual tire was only about $105. $15 for labor to mount and dismount etc. It is all the fees and added crap along with taxes that make this number so damn high. Pardon me while I scream. I wouldn't want to do that so badly if the tire I replaced hadn't been nearly new. I bought them in the spring. So right now, with all the other shit I'm dealing with...I have this expense...and that's not even the wiper transmission that I have to have repaired before it rains! I hate cars!


Mike said...

Was it a road hazard that blew the tire? If it was replacement should have been free on a nearly new tire.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Some states charge a tire disposal fee, too.

The add-ons can be irritating!