Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Stupid Quizzes

Oh dear

I have a quiz to study for..and I haven't cracked my notes yet...must get on it..after whose line. The Rocky Horror Epi is on!! Yee haa that brings this little kitten some joy! I haven't seen a Greg epi in ages....and we are so lucky..two of them tonight

Stupid Quiz... this kinda stuff makes me exceedingly nervous...We've had 2 so far..and I've got 100% on both..This time she only gave us 9 of the 10 questions... I've never really enjoyed taking tests...they make me crazy..well crazier...

I promise you guys more story tomorrow..I have an idea I'm working on..but cd burning and studying has taken it's toll on my writing..but I shall be finished..as of tonight..yee haa..

I'm hoping to put another fun survey..here or at my live journal..too...cos I like making lindsey jealous of my surveys!!

Peace out Kidlets..