Dear Asshats,
You may think it is fun to try to force a collapse of our economy by not doing something to raise the debt ceiling or HEAVEN FORBID raise the taxes on the wealthy, but you seem to forget something. You forget all the poor people that will be hurting when their Social Security checks don't come in.
What of the elderly who's rent comes from the SS check? Or those in nursing homes? All because you can't work something out?
Cut your damn pay. Pay for your own health insurance. Those presidential coins, stop making them. The budget, don't print so many on paper, when no one, including yourselves, reads it. All those crazy pork projects..toss them out the door.
I'm not saying all spending should be cut. But the focus needs to be on THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. We need infrastructure...better education...which will lead to JOBS! We need advances in medicine.
WHAT WE DON'T NEED are politicians out to make a buck at the expense of the disappearing middle class and the ever growing lower classes.
Every elected official in Washington needs to know the feeling of unemployment, because not a one of them deserves their job.
Now gets some work done and stop acting like a bunch of whining children! You have a country to run.
A concerned citizen
Alien Clay - An idea driven penal colony tale
14 hours ago
Cutting Social Security would be just like a tax increase wouldn't it?
If I ever run for President, I want you for my VP. Well said!
It drives me crazy that raising taxes for the wealthy isn't considered because it's "punishing" them. Because, you know, they can't afford to part with a little more than the rest of us.
If they'd sit and consider a bunch of little things, they could cut costs everywhere--printing, for one, like you said.
I'm fortunate enough to have a job and even though it felt like it took me forever for someone to simply call me for an interview, I know how many people weren't so lucky and may not be for a while...despite some very well-off companies laying off workers. Sure, they can do what they want with their money & that's fine, but the lack of consideration is astounding. People depending on paychecks are being cut before luxuries.
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