Tuesday, April 12, 2011


~ My dad has bruises on his arm from the IV needles that are in the shape of a smiley face. Yes I took a picture of it.

~ Reading a memoir about a woman's loss of her mother to cancer. It is beautifully written and has had me near tears most of the day.

~ Apparently the pocket bac hand sanitizer from Bath and Body that is attached to my purse is a great cat toy.

~ I have Windows 7 ready to be installed on this computer but I am too lazy to transfer my documents/pics and music. How lame am I?

~ I've been pondering getting all my blogs organized, especially my book blog. I have a feeling that is going to take more time than I want to spend. I repeat, I am lazy.


Mike said...

'How lame am I?'

You're not. Things will go wrong. You will hate yourself. But, then you will have a lot more blog material.