Thursday, April 07, 2011

I Love TV But....

I just don't seem to have enough time in my day anymore for the little things I enjoy. I'd rather read a book or listen to music.

I swear the only time I get to really listen to music I like, like Elvis Costello, Lady Antebellum, Gloriana, Mika etc is when I'm running on the elliptical the seated Octane one at the Y because I like to exercise and be lazy

Tonight two of the shows I love are new, Big Bang Theory and Bones. I'm not really excited to see them. TV cuts into my relaxing time and there's not nearly enough time for that in the day.

Plus there's all the stuff around the house that I need to get done that gets pushed back to the weekends because life is too crazy. (You know like laundry and vacuuming)

I swear I'm getting old, because a few years ago I could stay up til midnight getting stuff done or just as my mom and dad would say "pissing around." Now if I stay up that late, the next day I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks.

Getting old apparently sucks.

So I've got the dilemma: Get shit done or watch TV.

Now we all know what I would prefer to do. But before they condemn my house for being a crime against humanity, I'm going to have to get shit done.



Rob said...

I watch those two shows, too. I let them record first and then zip through the commercials.

Mike said...

Unfortunately getting older never stops.

Rob said...

Unfortunately, Mike, getting older does stop.