I haven't been anywhere to take pictures in ages. The only photos my little camera has snapped are strange stuff on my phone and my dad's cake and birthday pictures. That totals about 2 or three.
I'm pretty sure my cameras are going to run away from home for lack of use.
The thing is. My little hometown of Charleroi on Mon, as I like to call it. Isn't very picturesque. There's nothing to draw the eye here.
I really miss being able to get out and about. I miss Centre Market in Wheeling and Oglebay...not to mention Ohiopyle State Park, Phipps Consevatory..(I've missed the Spring Flower Show) and the Rose Garden in McKeesport.
Our gas prices are almost at $4.00 and from what I heard on the news this morning, some of the bigger cities have already hit the $5.00.
I really don't know how I'll be going anywhere with those prices, except to work.
So if you see my two cameras running around on their own...send them back and tell them to behave!
Echelons Above Reality
4 hours ago
There is plenty to take pictures of here in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac, if you can ever get here. We can do a photo tour!
Spring is here. Time to overuse that camera!
Take pictures of the changing gas prices. Then you can show people 20 years from now how the prices were 'only' 5 dollars a gallon.
I certainly don't like the fuel prices. I have a 30 mile round trip to/from work every day and then there's shopping etc on top (live in a village, so have to travel for anything other than the bare basics).
I heard someone say he doesn't expect gas to hit $5 anytime soon, unless something happens. We'll see.
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