Well I actually managed to accomplish a few things this weekend, besides grocery shopping. Have I mentioned how much I hate that?
I took 3 bags of clothes to Goodwill. I have one more to go, but I somehow forgot it, in my mad rush to get out the door this afternoon.
I got a few of the pantry shelves cleaned in the kitchen. That should get a woo hoo.
I'm telling you, it sucks to live in an old house that has no cupboard space in the kitchen or closet space in the bedrooms. It is unnerving trying to find places for stuff.
We are packrats, not hoarders! Plus some crazy people bring us stuff but don't help to move the old stuff elsewhere, but that is a rant for another day.
Mount Laundry has been scaled.
The dog has been clipped.
I even got part of my book blog organized!
Now I'm tired. I need a weekend from my weekend! Hope your 2 days were great!
Echelons Above Reality
3 hours ago
'places for stuff'
If your house was twice as big you would just have twice as much stuff.
I think you would soon empty my house with all the stuff it has built up!
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