I guess I'm pretty wicked...the weekend is upon me and I have a buttload of stuff to get done. Mount Laundry has once again grown in my hallway hamper. Thank god for warm weather. I love to hang my clothes out on the line.
On top of that all there are the usual weekend tasks of grocery shopping and feeble attempts at cleaning.
Then there is the matter of making sure the dog gets his meds. It seems our little dog, J.J. has a bad case of brochitis. He also had a bad tooth. So today the poor little guy went to the vet. Got his distemper/parva shot too. He had a rough day.
Getting his pill in him...Not fun. I had to mask the first one in mashed potatoes. Not sure what it will be served up with in the morning.
I have one more review that needs written this weekend...along with a few that I requested from Ariel. I need to give the music a listen. I really miss listening to music because I want to. Thankfully some of the stuff I've got for review is really good.
The big question as always....will I get any "me" time in those 48 hours.
I'm betting no, unless you count being able to watch an episode of Doctor Who on Saturday, "me" time.
I'll stop whining now...and start hoping the weekend goes better than I think it will
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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