I always start unbelievably hard cleaning projects in the evening. I don't know why, but I do. I think it is because I like to swear a lot.
The good thing about this is that the room I'm working on is the only room in the whole house with air conditioning. So at least I'm not drowning in my own sweat as I try to sort through the mess.
The thing is, our house is a decent size for 3 people. The fourth person...that didn't show up until much later, because it is my nephew...throws a spoke in the works.
There's so much stuff that needs to be done here and I'm wasting my time ranting about it...but if I don't, I think I will seriously explode from frustration.
The only good thing that will come out of this cleaning binge....is .....erm..well the room will be clean.
I truly hate when I decided to clean like this...I'm pretty sure something in my head is addled. That's why I start these projects when I do...
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
AC is a lifersavewr
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