I love my brother..
Most of the time.
He's done a lot to help me over the years.
However, right now I could cheerfully kill him.
Since December he has only managed to drive over twice. Once at Christmas and once in March. He hasn't come for Mother's Day and it doesn't look like he's coming for Father's Day either. But he can run around for his 3rd wife's family and he can drive to his daughter's house on a weekly basis.
But he can't take time out of his freaking schedule to visit his own parents.
His daughters are my age....and the daughter's from his second marriage are teenagers. They are going to be around to love for many years.
Mom and dad...not so many.
Dad's health is bad...mom's much the same.
Yet he can't freaking drive over to see them, unless there's something to do with his class?
Oh and in December I was promised help to get our house in better order. It is hard to keep this place tolerable with 4 people living in it, and two with health conditions that make them unable to do much.
Funny....I haven't seen the help either.
So this is me flipping my brother off. Because he's really pissed me off this time
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
'3rd wife...'
Your brother has issues deeper than not seeing his parents.
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