I'm such a blogging whore
There can't be much more to rant about. I think I left all the gorey details about my day from hell at my LiveJournal. So go there, to get the full scoop.
Essentially this is what I need to accomplish before Monday morning. Are you ready for this.
1. Burn the 3 MarkyMix CDs for my friend Jim, and do the artwork for the third cd as well
2. Burn CD trades for Tom, Charles,David, Possibly Brighid..and I think there's one more person..but I may be wrong. Don't ask how many discs, because the number is staggering.
3. Get the Christmas Card for Greg Printed out
4. Get the Christmas messages for Greg, compiled and printed out.
5. Update Man Out of Time.
It's Saturday night..and I have part of number 1 completed...and part of number 2 ...So essentially I'm no where near done with anything. I'm tired and somewhat cranky from my shopping experiences today, and I really don't want to do anything..but oh well..I have promises I need to keep...
6398 - B12
2 hours ago
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