A Day in the Life
I'm just about ready to give up on the job..Why can't I find something else. I'm close to having a nervous breakdown because of this. I've never worked anywhere that made me so frightened before. I'm scared of a damn job! Can you believe that?
I'm just not excited about anything right now. In fact if I could give up the ghost right now..I would. Nothing has gone right in my life in months..shy of the Episode of Elvis...which was a complete fluke in my life..cos good things don't happen to me..
I don't think I've ever been this depressed in my whole life...all I want to do is sleep...and even that isn't comforting, because when I wake up I have to go back to that job, where I can't seem to do a damn thing right.
So if anyone wants to get me anything for Christmas, Prozac would be good for starters..
I'm taking the day off from writing in any of the stories..I want to work on the Not My Slave Story over the weekend as well as Man Out of Time..but I'm not setting any schedules for myself..cos I'll never be able to make them..
The plus is I'm done just about with all my trades..Just one more disc to burn...for the Boston Tree and I'll be done.. So I might get to work on one of the websites..likely Mr. Elfman's Nightmare..cos that's the one that's disturbing me most...What I think I'm going to do..is remove the concert picture..and do more recent stuff...and really dishy older pics.
AGAIN feel free to leave me suggestions..here or on the chatterbox..
Until tomorrow Kidlets..Peace Love and Understanding...what's so funny about them?
6398 - B12
2 hours ago
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