Yesterday I went to Giant Eagle and they were piping Christmas music through the store.
November 2?
That is so not right.
It is beyond wrong in fact.
However today took things a little too far.
I watched my first Christmas movie on the Hallmark Channel.
Yup, you read that right, the first Christmas movie of the year, Christmas Song, on Hallmark.
They couldn't wait a few more weeks. Nope, that would be too easy and keep us from going totally mad before Thanksgiving.
On the plus side, the movie was cute, but not cute enough that it couldn't have waited a few more weeks.
Why don't they just start pushing the holiday at Labor Day or even July 4th!
I guess the point is to be sick of Christmas before it even gets here, right?
Executive Orders and The Outrage Economy
8 hours ago
We have the phenomenon of the Christmas treats like mince pies that have 'eat by' dates in November.
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