I was cleaning again today and I came across a lot of old photos.
The problem is, these photos were just laying about or in their envelopes.
They had no place to go.
I love looking at old photos, but I hate trying to find places for them.
I think that's one of the reasons I like digital photography so much. I can view the photos at any time. I can get prints or books etc made of them, or even a fancy digital frame that lets me see many pictures, but without the clutter.
I can't take the clutter anymore.
There's so much stuff in this house that doesn't need to be here, and getting rid of it...either to the garbage or to goodwill is driving me to the brink.
I wish I could just put a big garbage bin outside the house and just start chucking everything in.
Executive Orders and The Outrage Economy
8 hours ago
Chuck everything but not the photos. Some day that computer will crash and the photos on it will be gone. Or 50 years from now someone will find that thumb drive and not know what it is.
Mike's right, except that it wouldn't be a bad idea to scan the photos as well, if you can. Having them in both digital and hard-copy makes them easier to sort (which is a nice rainy-day activity) and use. We're going through the same mad flail with old photographs ... we have thousands of them, most of which we can't place by date, or can't remember who the people are who are in them ... but they're fun, anyhow.
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