Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Why I've decided To Go Gray

 I have to admit a huge part of the "I'm not coloring my damn hair" thing is laziness. 

But here's the real deal.

A few months back I was having my walk on my favorite trail....The GAP from West Newton towards Allegheny County. There were a lot of people biking the trail, because it was a gorgeous day.

There were a bunch of ladies there, and this one had the most gorgeous grey bobbed hair. I mean it was absolutely stunning.

I think that was the moment I knew, it wasn't worth the time or money to keep coloring it, and trying to remember to buy freaking hair dye and then find the hour to actually do it. Yeah again. I am so freaking lazy.

I may spend a lot of time doing my makeup when I want to, but never my hair. I've always hated doing my hair. I think that's why for the longest time I wore a super short pixie cut. I loved that hair, but then caregiving and getting to the stylist became a pain, so suddenly I had long ugly hair.

The one thing I have learned is that there is a wonderful thing called Purple shampoo and it actually makes my hair shimmer.

I think I'm greying gracefully? Doncha think?