Friday, December 04, 2020

Silver Fox Friday

Allow me to present a photo of my favorite silver fox. Remember him from last week?

So yeah this picture came from his office's Facebook page.

Can I just say that Dr. Jeff Minchau has to be one of sexiest dentists I've ever encountered in my life?

OK. So maybe I haven't encountered that many, but all of them were old guys.

But back to Dr. Minchau

I mean for the love god...look at those leggies!


And those hands...


Now why would anyone want to put a cream pie in that smexy mug? Huh Huh? And its a shame that I did not know of his smexiess at the time because I  would have offered my services at getting him cleaned up.....


But there are a few things wrong with this picture. Cos again...I'm versed in the art of tossing pies at my boss. Yeah..I may have a slapped a pie on my supervisor's mug last Christmas. I'm so sorry Josh #sorrynotsorry

Someone's aim was a little off and they definitely forgot once you finish the facial pieing,  you slap that pie plate on the top of your victim's head. Just saying

But first of all, how do you even want to pie this guy?

Looking at him sitting there like that, I am not, his face would look great covered in whipped cream. I'm not saying whipped cream may not figure in to the fantasy...but still. I'm thinking more of "Would you like a lap dance?"

Did it just get hot in here?




Mike said...

"offered my services" When I read that I immediately pictured you licking that off his face.