OK, this is going to be more than one angry rant.
Do you know what's wrong with America? It isn't the man in the White House, it is the people that populate this country.
The word responsibility doesn't mean anything to some people.
You have family that needs help, but you turn your back on them, or never offer to do anything.
You have a child, but you don't realize that married or single, you are a parent every day of your life, and you don't get away from it, because your kid drives you crazy. My 87 and 79 year old kids drive me crazy, but I don't leave them because things are rough.
Everyone thinks they are entitled to something. No I don't mean handouts from the government, I mean stuff like happiness and vacations.
Guess what?
No you aren't.
Vacations happen when you have enough money to afford them or when you are stupid enough to spend your cash even if you don't have it so you can say you went somewhere. (Then you cry poor the rest of the year and drive everyone else crazy)
Happiness? Fuck, I'm so sick of people thinking things will make them happy. Maybe if people stopped worrying about being happy, they'd get more done, have better behaved kids and then...OMG they might actually be happy.
It is like the people that think having something or someone will make things all better. Unless it is lots of money, I can guarantee things, will not make life better. There are people that look for significant others to take their problems away.
Again, this is what's wrong with this country, we can't deal with our own problems so we look to other people to solve our own.
That doesn't work.
You can't expect people to always fix things. Sometimes you have to man up, or put your big girl panties on, and get things done. Stand up to people (I know..I'm one to talk), stop letting people walk on you, and get it done.
It is just like our obsession with stuff...We have to have smartphones and tablets, but no one seems to want books. Did you notice that the Kindle Fire commercial has settings to shut down viewing for kids, for when they play or watch too much. Shame your kid isn't READING on the damn thing.
Gee, do kids play with toys anymore?
Step away from the gadgets, get out there and play, or play inside. Learn to communicate. Stop being idiots. Stop being nasty. And if you kid is nasty, a good slap on the bottom isn't going to hurt them.
There now...some problems solved..