I'm creeped out by all those ED commercials but especially the one with the couple in bathtubs on the roof of an apartment building.
Now I know in large cities there are pools etc on the roof. How that works is something that baffles me, the same way the pools on the third floor of hotels baffles me. But back to the crazy ass commercial. The couple aren't in the same tub, which is what you'd figure if you are going to be "getting it on" thanks to some ED med..right?
They are in his and hers bathtubs, HOLDING HANDS!
Who was the brains behind this ad? Because really..IT MAKES NO SENSE...I also want to know what guy is going to take this drug and then go to the opera with his wife and then jump in the rooftop tub?
My brain hurts thinking about this commercial.
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2025
19 hours ago
'I'm creeped out by all those ED commercials..'
I'm creeped out by ALLLLL those ED commercials.
They were holding hands because it was just a PG-rated commercial. What would YOU have her hold onto?
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