Wake up...
Check Facebook...play games so that my mind is clear...
Make sure dad has his pills...
Give mom her first morning pills, refill her pill boxes for the next two doses.... You have no idea how hard this is...she takes about 7 different meds. Dad thankfully only takes 2 on normal days, thanks to the hospital stay he had two other varieties for the last four days
Get dressed, cos the world at large doesn't want to see me nekkid!
Make sandwich for mom's lunch, (and dad unless he wants a hot pocket)
Get my stuff ready for lunch...
Give mom insulin
Go to work..
Grocery shopping...
Make dinner
Go to the YMCA if time permits
Destress with Farmville/Cafe World and Zoo World..
Somewhere in there you can add, clean litter boxes etc..
It is no wonder I'm crazy.
Pass out in bed.