When I was in high school and even junior high, I would blow through Harlequins in a few hours. For that matter when I was reading my bodice ripper historical romances, as I tried to get my summer tan.
These weren't long books. The longest Harlequins usually topped 300 pages. The shorter ones, the Romance, Desire, Regency line were only about 180.
Why does it take me so long to read these now?
Its driving me nuts, because I have books piling up all over the place. They seem to multiply like rabbits in my house.
I blame it on ereaders.
I don't know what it is about them, but they have slowed down my reading.
OK, and maybe because I don't get to sit out in the sun and read as much as I did all those years ago too.
I seriously need some beach or porch or some kind of not in my house reading time ASAP
Cartoon Saturday
18 hours ago
Or the library reading area.
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