Thursday, March 01, 2018

Social Media Makes Me Scream

There are way too many ways to be connected these days...Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Way too may for me.

I have to admit that besides blogger, I rather like Instagram, cos well, cat pictures. Cat pictures make me happy.

So if you want to see my cat pictures, and well, my book pictures, cos I'm trying to be a bookstagramer as well, go here

But really, how do you decide which social media you want to deal with.

I have to admit, one of the reasons why Instagram is more to my liking is the lack of politics on my feed there.

No politics = no stupid comments by stupid people.

There are way too many mean, stupid, hateful people on Facebook. I haven't found them yet on Instagram. I think that's mostly because I only follow cats and book lovers there.

I need an internet safe place.