Thursday, February 09, 2017

Booking Through Thursday

What kind of book do you like to curl up with on a snowy day?

Snow days, like today are the hardest days for me to really read. I tend to catch up on stuff that I may not usually get around to. The house gets an extra good cleaning. I clean out the fridge. That's the sort of stuff that I do on snow days.

Oh and baking....especially if its a planned snow day. You know when you know that a foot of snow is coming. That's when I try to bake bread or something I wouldn't normally be able to do otherwise.

So I'd say the first type of book that I'd curl up with on a snowy day would be one of my many cookbooks.

The next type of book I like to curl up with on a snowy day is a good historical novel. I like anything historical, mysteries, romances or books revolving around royalty.

The question now is, what book am I going read on this snow day!


eViL pOp TaRt said...

One of Jennifer Cruisie's books, perhaps. Or James Lee Burke.