I think I'm the only person that has never liked David Lettermen, so his announcement of his retirement has no emotional reaction from me.
It just makes me giggle at the people that are up for his slot, like Craig Ferguson, who has always said he had no ambition to take that coveted 11:30 spot.
Truth be told, I don't want him to get it, because it would change his show. I like that his comedy is a little naughty. I wouldn't want to see him earlier. I don't think he'd get the ratings either.
The feminists are all up in arms that the late night talk shows are a boy's club. I'm not really bothered by it, because there are very few women that I can tolerate in these shows. Chelsea Handler? Please for the love of God, NO! That woman is foul!
See, I'm in firm belief that women shouldn't bitch when they aren't capable of holding their own, and right now, there isn't a woman out there that would be suitable to go head to head with the two Jimmies. If there were, I'd be all for it. (Or maybe not)
Either way, bye bye Dave....have a nice retirement.
Cartoon Saturday
10 hours ago
There's been discussion about the 'boys clubs' on some of uk telly too - particularly the humorous panel quiz shows who sometimes only have one token woman.
The other day Jennifer Saunders (Ab Fab) was on one and started it by introducing herself as 'the woman'.
I'm not crazy about Letterman, either, and I'll be kind of glad to see him go. I'm bummed Ferguson is leaving, too, but he's making a tour stop in Pittsburgh. And his live stand-up is so much better than the show specifically because he can get weird and naughty freely.
I'd like to see a woman in, but as things stand now, I agree. There are no huge female comedians I'd like to see take the job, although I have high hopes for Jon Stewart's current lady staff in the future!
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