There aren't many episodes of any show that I can watch multiple times...
Allow me to share some that I can watch...and I can tell you...most are British...
Doctor Who:
Vincent And The Doctor: Fighting aliens and Vincent Van Gogh. Oh I dare you not to cry at the end.
The Name of The Doctor, The Night Of The Doctor, The Day Of The Doctor: The 50th trilogy...and The Time of The Doctor and you have several hours of absolute brilliance featuring a bunch of Doctors...
The Unicorn & The Wasp: Agatha Christie and The Doctor! Nuff said.
The Eleventh Hour: Matt Smith's debut episode...4 fingers and custard.
Scandal In Belgravia: Benedict in a blanket....Fangirls everywhere die.
The Empty Hearse: #Sherlock Lives
Series 1 - 3...they are all good as long as Richard Coyle is in them. (He's my forgotten TV boyfriend)
The Monkees:
The Christmas Episode: Riu Chiu....most beautiful Christmas song ever, and Davy falling off the top of the tree.
Cartoon Saturday
4 hours ago
We still get some repeats of the original Monkees and they are definitely still very watchable.
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