Though he's not here, I wish my daddy a happy father's day in heaven.
Today everyone is telling us why there dad is the best dad they could have, so I'll be no different.
He took care of us all, or tried, even as his health was failing.
This was the man that sat in the gyne's office with me when I had to have a procedure done and I was too scared to go alone.
This is the man, who when he was on hospice and still trying to get in trouble would have mom call me and say, his daughter would let him do whatever it is he wanted to do. (even though he couldn't)
I will always here his voice saying "my daughter." It is the best thing that I could be called.
This was the man who always tapped us on the head and said "go to bed," when he'd head up the stairs at an insanely early hour.
This is the man that loved to go out to eat, no matter where it was...McDonald's, a random Chinese or Mexican place, Kings, or Eat N' Park. He loved to go out.
He was stubborn.
He was loving.
He could make you absolutely insane at times,
But he was my daddy and I will love him forever.
6396 - Saturday jokes
3 hours ago
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