Thursday, June 11, 2020

Doing Something For Me

I've got stuff done, I've said that before.

Now I want to do something for me.

Why is that so dang hard?

I've spent a whole lot of time focusing on everyone else.

I work 13 hours many days and I come home late, and I make supper...Usually at 10 o'clock at night.

I'm super tired on those nights and on the nights I don't work I have to worry about either getting shopping done or picking someone up from work.

Never about me.

My life hasn't been about me for a long time. At least before, I had a purpose. Now my life is not mine and I have no purpose.

I've been doing things to make my house look pretty.

Now I want to do a few things for me.

Like maybe a new camera...

Or a daytrip somewhere.

I'm not saying I deserve it more than anyone, because everyone that works deserves a break every now and then..I'm just saying...I need something for me.


Alarico Adalbert said...
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