1. People will stand in a line with a light on even if there isn't a cashier standing there. I truly don't understand that. Wouldn't you go somewhere where the body checking you out was located?
2. Why do people think that knowing the price is going to magically make you able to ring up those dang screws, lock nuts and washers? Also, note to the place I work how the hell are cashiers supposed to know which are which? Which is why those bags and pens are really necessary in that area. Why can't more people use them?
3. Breaks don't exist unless you get a lunch.
4. Customers are almost always rude unless you are in the garden center. Flowers bring out the best in our customers.
5. For the most part all of my co workers are super nice and I've made some great friends there.
Musical Sunday
10 hours ago
You've got a good start on your book, "The public sucks".
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