Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I have a plan and I'm sticking to it.

I'm making headway with life right now, and I'm kind of proud of myself.

I have started saving towards the new dining room table that I want. I've also made a dent in the one credit card bill that I have. My goal is to have the card paid off by the end of the year, or close too it, because I know that my hours at Lowes will be cut then. I want to have a bit of a safety net by not having that credit card bill over my head.

I'm also learning that my store cards only get minimal use, that way I don't have to worry about excess bills at the end of each month.

I'm getting there.

Its hard.

But I'm doing it.


Diane said...

It's always good to have a plan. That's how I paid off my debt and now am debt free (other than my mortgage) for the past 10 years. It's very freeing!

rashbre said...

Like DIane says, it's always good to have a plan.