Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten All Time Favorite Books in Historical Fiction

A fantastic historical mystery series set in Restoration England. This is the first book in the series.

One sister is Queen of England, the other of France, nuff said.

A novel of Anne Boleyn's mother as well as a portrait of Henry's 2nd Queen. Anything by Brandy Purdy is worth a read.

One of the fabulous books in Sandra's Tudor Trilogy. This one is about Elizabeth I

A must read for fans of Downton Abbey.

A novel about Freud's relationship with his wife's sister.

A great novel about Marie Antoinette's early days. The first book in a trilogy about her life.

Queen Isabella, Sir Robert Mortimer and Edward III. An excellent read!

If you like Call The Midwife, you'll love this book

A mixture of historical fiction and fantasy surrounding our favorite fairytales.