Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today Sucked

~ Waiting til midnight to watch the last epi of Doctor Who til Christmas...heard I'm going to need some tissues...what a perfect way to end a crappy day.

~ Did not get things done because the order of my day was screwed up by my mom.

~ My Nook First Gen took a tumble and is now toast.

~ I've been playing stupid Facebook games to keep from crying as a result of the death of the Nook.

~ The only good thing about today was pre-ordering Dark Shadows, the new Diana Krall CD and the new Matchbox Twenty.


moodymistress said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough day. :( DW is definitely not the best way to end a day like that.

On a happier note...I must get that Diana CD. I really liked what I've heard of it so far.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I'm sorry your day sucked.