I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to the holidays Americans if not the world, need to chill the fuck out.
We make everything to damn hard and we make ourselves crazy for a few days that end much too quickly. It usually leaves us depressed too.
Our expectations are high and the outcome is very seldom what we want.
We all need to stop worrying about stuff.
Here are some things to think about.
Thanksgiving is just another dinner.
No one needs thousands of dollars worth of presents.
2 days shouldn't make you crazy or broke.
Chill out. Make turkey, your potato of choice, stuffing and a veggie and enjoy your meal.
Buy nice gifts that you can afford.
Chill out.
Oh and if a store clerk says Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas..
Christ can still be in Christmas without the world ramming him down everyone's throats.
Cartoon Saturday
17 hours ago