Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Nerves I Has Em

The closing date on the house is June 27, so I should have a shiny house for my birthday this year.

I'm scared to death.

I've lived in my current residence since I was brought home from the hospital in 1974 and my parents moved in in 1967.

There's a lot of memories in these walls.

So, there's a lot of guilt involved in this move. Irrational guilt.

I just have so much going on in my tiny little brain.

I hope to get back to blogging on a regular basis someday soon.

I just don't know when that will be.

Maybe when I have pictures of my pretty new house.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


A few things that have been going on.

1. My offer was accepted on the house!! I'm waiting on the lawyer and bank now.

2. I've become addicted to the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.

3. My sleep patterns suck.

4. I'm so stressed, I'm having a hard time reading, and I hate not being able to read.

5. Life without Jon Stewart on The Daily Show is going to be very painful.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Where Have I Been?

If you aren't on Facebook with me, you might wonder where I've been hiding?

Well last Saturday morning, mom got rushed to the hospital with a bout of congestive heart failure and a touch of pneumonia.

I also made an offer on a house.

So, in short, I've been a bundle of nerves for the last few days and nothing can calm me down. I still haven't heard anything back about the house, so needless to say, I'm on pins and needles, because, this is the house. THE HOUSE people. The house of my dreams. (And honest, I don't dream very big)

Mom is home now too, but not 100%. We all feel the hospital saw her name and decided to toss her out, lest she become a serial hospital patient like my dad was. Either way, no one, including my mom was very happy with that decision.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that her health returns a bit to her, because I don't know how much more I can take.

Oh and it is also 5 months now that dad's been gone.

Friday, April 10, 2015

What A Week

This has been a shitty week.


My nephews' grandmother (his father's mom) passed away last Saturday. That made this an extra sad Easter. Not to mention it caused huge issues with who would be with my mom when they went to the funeral.

That wasn't a pretty discussion, as I could not take a day off for someone not related to me in any way.

Mom was supposed to have an appointment at the heart doctor yesterday. Fifteen minutes before I was to leave work that the doctor was stuck at the hospital and was cancelling.

Oye to the vey!

I am going to look at a house on Sunday. The person selling just wants to sell and not deal with realtors. I'm kind of nervous about this, but I know that the house is well taken care of and it is in a good part of my sad little town.

All I want to do is relax and read tomorrow to make up for this lousy week.

Monday, April 06, 2015

The House Hunt Continues

My boss's son, aka my other boss' said that his grandmother knew someone selling their house. It's on the opposite side of town one block higher up on the hill.

I drove by on my way home and if its the house I think it is,it really is a lovely brick home. Hopefully my agent and I will be able to look at it sometime this week.

I'm totally scared at the thought of having my own house with a mortgage that I'll be paying until I'm 71 years old!!

That's absolutely terrifying.

I also know that if I do this, and I have to do this, I'll never go on another vacation.

I'm done.

I'll have a house, cats, books and nothing else.

Its very worrisome.

I always wanted more in my life, but I guess, that's never going to happen. So I'm going to take what I can get, whatever that may be.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

RIP Cynthia Lennon

Cyn was my favorite Beatle wife. Its hard to believe that she's gone.

My heart breaks for Julian, even though I don't know him or his mother.

The loss of a parent is a tough thing