OK, firstly would love to get to a date.
Would love for one of these guys to hit dial on the phone instead of endless texts.
I realize speaking to a person requires effort and that's something most really do not want to put forth.
Granted there is one guy that I could probably text to forever because he's fun and has an illusion of adorableness I don't want to let go of.
But back to this one guy..we matched on 2 sites.
He's cute...he's younger..
And then starts the dirty talk.
Only not done well.
A little lesson guys.
If you are going to venture into the arena of dirty texting, which isn't quite sexting...do it well.
Because if you don't do it well..you end up like Dial A Dick...a'la Mrs. Brown's Boys. OK, at least Agnes got her Dial A Dick...
But again it helps to make your texting erm....stimulating.
Imagery guys.
Not vulgarity.
Don't write me a porno either. If I want that..I could find it on my own.
Oh and keep your willy to yourself, m'kay?