Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blogging In The Time Of Corona

Yikes, only 2 posts this month.

The thing is, I find it hard to find something to blog about. Well, besides, Corona...and I wish I meant the Mexican beer.

I am still working, so I can't complain on that end.

Its just the day to day stuff that gets frustrating.

Grocery shopping is like traveling into a war zone and you'll never know what you are going to get. That's part of the frustration. I have recipes I'd love to make but when you can't find the ingredients you are pretty much SOL as my dad would say (Shit outta luck)

Any plans I had for my house this summer are mostly screwed. So no new flooring. Hopefully I'll be able to do the tub surround, which is probably a cheaper job, but again, who knows.

Heck, I'd just like to be able to go somewhere that wasn't work or the laundromat.

On a happier note...

Some of the pictures from my camera phone

Friday, April 17, 2020

Go Away Corona, Go Away

Most people are bemoaning being quarantined or basically stuck on stay at home orders right now.

I wish I was.

Both my jobs are essential and I'm thrilled about that. I still am getting regular paychecks, so that is definitely something to be happy about. However the people that are out and about are cranky and some are downright mean.

Grocery shopping and every day life is just way too stressful. My hours at the PT gig are making it so I don't go to Aldi for my groceries and that means less meat in the house because Giant Eagle is way too pricey when it comes to that stuff. Oh and so much of the stuff I'm making right now is processed crap..however that crap is kinda tasty.

Seriously if you never bought the Kraft Zest Italian Spaghetti it. You make a sauce. (Don't go by the want to use 1 can tomato paste, diced tomatoes and then a can of water) But the seasoning packet is amazing..and if you have Italian diced've got a great chunky marinara sauce..and its a dinner that feeds 3 adults for only a couple of bucks.

You can almost never get paper products. Finding pasta and sauce and simple stuff like Knorrs rice or pasta sides? Not going to happen.

I work M-F 8 hours and a lot of nights and some weekends at my PT gig. It makes doing shopping damn hard.

Oh and parking is a premium on my block, so when I come home late...who knows where my car will land.

I know I'm whining but I'm just tired..and I've had it..and I'm sick of everything right now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Under The Weather

I was a bit under the weather yesterday. I don't even like telling people when you don't feel good right now because everyone automatically thinks you are down with "The 'Rona"

No stomach was wonky as fuck.

I think between work stress, the holiday (which was nice btw) and just overdoing everything, I ran myself down. I was so tired I was nauseous and for the first time in year...cookies were tossed. (TMI I'm sorry, but I want to reiterate that I was damn sick)

See pretty pics of my Easter...

I'm still not 100% this morning, but after about 9 hours of sleep I don't feel like I was hit by a bus.

The only good thing about yesterday was being able to start watching Good Omens at long last! I read the book yonks ago, so I can't really say how well things were doing in that regard, but I do have to say the show is amazing.

David Tennant was incredible, though I have to say his Demon acts a lot like the Tenth Doctor. Oh and his eyes, super creepy. I'm totally surprised at how well he plays a baddie!

Other than that I've been cleaning and reading.

How are you handling the whole corona mess?