Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm Slowly Losing My Mind

Dad's in the hospital again.

He had a bad coughing spell, became short of breath and nearly lost consciousness...AT THE DOCTOR's.

I had them call the ambluance there....glad I did.

He had another spell in the ER.

He has a UTI and his blood count was down to 8.9 but they won't transfuse him, even though his doctor did at 8.7.

This is going to be a lousy weekend.


Mike said...

'I'm Slowly Losing My Mind'

The older you get, the faster it goes.

moodymistress said...

I'm sorry that there was yet another health scare. :( I hope your father will return to better health soon. Thinking of you... I need to get better about commenting on blogspot. *hugs*

Bilbo said...

Hang in there ... good thoughts are coming your way.

Unknown said...


Jean-Luc Picard said...

So sorry to hear that. Thinking of you.