Sunday, September 08, 2019

So I Went Hiking

I am not a nature girl. I just want to put it out there.

My New Year's resolution was to get back into my photography, which is one of the hobbies that I enjoy the most.

So yeah, I've been going a lot of places, a lot of them local to get the cameras used again.

I was at the Aquatorium in Monongahela on Thursday and yesterday I went to Cedar Creek to walk the Gorge Trail.


By myself.

I got lost.

I am enough of a girl scout to know the way I went so it was just a bit of frustration, but still, after a day that was supposed to be calm, my nerves were frazzled.

I parked my butt down on the boat dock and stuck my feet in the water

I think there's a Zac Brown song...uh is not on the sand

You can see my Cedar Creek pictures here