Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hump Day Hunks

I've decided..I want to bring back my hunks. Everyone should have something that brings joy in their life..and well...hunks it is!

Today I feature Doctor Who Hotties...from the classic years

Before he was on Who...Jon Pertwee was quite a dashing gent

And as the Doctor

Any of my Moody Blues friends think Mr. Pertwee and John Lodge might be related?

Then there's Peter Davison..who I fell in love with when I was in college watching reruns of All Creatures Great and Small

He's still dashing...almost as dashing as his son - in -law, David Tennant.

And can you not drool over Paul McGann?


moodymistress said...

I think Pertwee has actually become my favorite Classic Doctor.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Most excellent hunks.

rashbre said...

Was Paul McGann a Doctor Who? I've somehow missed that whole section.