Friday, September 16, 2011

Things I Need To Catch Up On

~ Reading my friends blogs. I will try to stop by my f-list this weekend at least once.

~ Reading...I have a "to be read" pile that is sky high.

~ Exercise...all the stress in my life hasn't allowed me to get to the gym. Damn those thinky thoughts.

~ TV: I never finished watching Torchwood or True Blood or Eureka this season. ARGH!

~ Peaceful sleep....I can't seem to get any of that at all.


rashbre said...

I still have to watch the last episode of the current Torchwood series too. I'm wondering how they'll get out of it all in a single programme.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Torchwood wasn't exactly up to par, I thought. The entire series was overlong.