Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dentist Day

Lordy, I know that there's nothing to be afraid of. I know I'm being childish in being nervous about going today, but I can't help it.

I don't like anyone in any form of the medical profession when I have to visit them in a professional capacity.

Which is why I avoid people in white coats of any kind like the plague.

Plus I really don't want to be yelled at for not going when I can't afford to. And when I could afford to, I couldn't get time off to go. It's a nasty vicious cycle.

Regardless, I'm worried about what I'll hear and ultimately how much it's going to cost me. I hate that I really can't take time off to go to the dentist, so I get to sit around and think and worry abou it all day today.

Wish me luck that things aren't as bad as I think they are.